K-means Clustering
The k-means clustering is an unsupervised clustering algorithm that uses the distance metrics to create the user defined number of clusters. The k-means can be used for both continuous and discreet data, given that there are at least two variables provided. The number of clusters to be formed are typically provided by the user and is typically based on the prior knowledge. The center of each cluster in k-means is called centroid and meant to represent that cluster of data. The k-means algorithm is considered a greedy algorithm as at the end every single point in the dataset is part of a specific cluster. Also, k-means is an iterative algorithm , given that the process of finding the local minimum is done over multiple iterations. The algorithmic details of k-means are provided below.
In k-means the algorithm initialized with a set of randomly selected centroids. The number of these centroids is user defined while their location is randomly selected. Based on the Euclidean distances of each point in the dataset and the centroids, the points are assigned to each cluster. Here l defines the number of variables, m is the number of points, c_{n} is the number of the clusters, and x is the coordinates on each point/centroid. It should be noted that m, n, and c all must be real numbers and larger than 0. Additionally, the condition of m > n must be fulfilled. This means that the number of points must be larger than the number of clusters.
\[ d_{d,c_{n}} = \sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{l} (x_{m} - x_{c_n})^2} \]
After assigning the data points to the first set of temporary clusters, the k-means algorithm adjusts the centroids by putting them in the center of clusters, only considering the actual data. At this stage the process of distance calculation is repeated again and the points may be reassigned to another cluster based on their distances. This process is repeated until either the location of centroids remain constant or there is no reassignment of the points. These are typical stopping signals for the k-means algorithm.
Practical Example
Let's build a simple k-means algorithm together using some random data:
using ACS
c1 = 5 .* rand(5)
cx1 = 1 .+ (2-1) .* rand(5)
c2 = 20 .* rand(5)
cx2 = 6 .+ (10-6) .* rand(5)
data_s = vcat(hcat(cx1,c1),hcat(cx2,c2))
10×2 Matrix{Float64}:
1.32553 0.474481
1.58075 1.34619
1.56592 4.47371
1.40687 1.95284
1.78981 4.70219
9.4572 2.56064
8.28896 13.1041
8.16253 4.26381
9.13793 2.29678
8.03782 4.41343
Step 1: Selection of centroids
For this case we have only two variables in our dataset data_s. For simplicity, we will start with two clusters, thus k is equal 2. In this case, we can either select two random points within the measurements' window (i.e. between minimum and maximum of values in data_s) or we can choose the indices of two of the measurements at random. Here we go with the second option.
k = 2 # k is the number of clusters
ind_c = Int.(round.(1 .+ (size(data_s,1) - 1) .* rand(k))) # index of the centroids
2-element Vector{Int64}:
Step 2: Calculation of distances
To calculate the distances, we create a vector containing the distance of each centroid from every single point in the data_s. This will result in a distance matrix of $d_{10 \times 2}$, where column one belongs to the first centroid and the first point corresponds to the first data point in data_s. Since we are using the actual measurements as our starting point, we will have zero distances for at least one point per column.
d = zeros(size(data_s,1),length(ind_c)) # Generating the distance matrix
for i = 1:length(ind_c)
cent = transpose(data_s[ind_c[i],:])
d[:,i] = sqrt.(sum((cent .- data_s).^2,dims=2))
10×2 Matrix{Float64}:
1.48059 14.4221
0.631079 13.5369
2.52588 10.94
0.0 13.1039
2.77589 10.6222
8.07324 10.608
13.1039 0.0
7.13999 8.84116
7.7387 10.8406
7.07276 8.69427
Step 3 Assigning the points to each cluster
Now that we have our distance matrix d, we need to assign each point to a cluster, in our case the two clusters. To do so, we can look at our d matrix row wise and based on the column with the minimum distance assign that point to a cluster. For example, if in d[1,:] the minimum value is located at d[1,2], then this point belongs to the cluster number two. These calculations can be done using the following code.
clusters = zeros(size(d))
for i = 1:size(d,1)
clusters[i,argmin(d[i,:])] = argmin(d[i,:])
10×2 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
0.0 2.0
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
scatter(data_s[clusters[:,1] .>0,1],data_s[clusters[:,1] .>0,2],label="Cluster 1",legend=:topleft)
scatter!(data_s[clusters[:,2] .>0,1],data_s[clusters[:,2] .>0,2],label="Cluster 2")
Step 4 Adjusting the centroids
Now that we have the first set of temporary clusters, we need to recalculate the centroids using the the data points that are assigned to a specific cluster. To do that we calculate the mean of data_s column wise where the values in the clusters matrix is different from zero.
cents = zeros(size(clusters,2),size(data_s,2))
for i=1:size(clusters,2)
tv = clusters[:,i]
cents[i,:] = mean(data_s[tv .>0,:],dims=1)
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
4.71826 2.94267
8.28896 13.1041
scatter(data_s[clusters[:,1] .>0,1],data_s[clusters[:,1] .>0,2],label="Cluster 1",legend=:topleft)
scatter!(data_s[clusters[:,2] .>0,1],data_s[clusters[:,2] .>0,2],label="Cluster 2")
scatter!(cents[:,1],cents[:,2],label="New centroids")
As you can see, the locations of the "New centroids" have changed. Depending on the starting points, the new locations may or may not be closer to the global minimum of the system. The reach such a point, we need to repeat this process multiple times until we do not see any changes in the location of the centroids and thus the reassignment of the points to different clusters.
The k-means algorithm is mainly used for the clustering of multivariate data. Typically, it follows an HCA or PCA to identify the number of clusters. Then that number is fed to the k-means to generate the clusters. When dealing with very large number of variables, k-means is not the best algorithm as it may converge to a local minimum rather than a global minimum. It is recommended to run the k-means algorithms multiple times to make sure about the robustness of the location of the centroids. In fact most of existing packages for k-means have this feature already built in them.
There are different implementations of k-means algorithm available through ACS.jl package. Below the two main implementations are discussed.
The function kmeans(-) is provided via ACS.jl. Please note that the matrix fed to the kmeans(-) should have the variables in rows and measurements in columns. This means that for making it work with our usual datasets, you need to transpose your matrix prior to the model building.
k_mod = kmeans(transpose(data_s),2) # to build a k-means model
Clustering.KmeansResult{Matrix{Float64}, Float64, Int64}([8.288960074702631 4.7182606173040575; 13.104072652300191 2.9426739334059318], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2], [17.602610972712057, 12.39276846126403, 12.281309931168025, 11.945052629021163, 11.671756790768, 22.603505703022037, 0.0, 13.608384933778268, 19.950635788872333, 13.18257011160587], [1, 9], [1, 9], 135.23859532221178, 2, true)
Once, the model is built, you are able to get the points assigned to each cluster as well as the coordinates of the centroids. It should be noted that the coordinates of the centroids, similarly to our data are transposed. Thus each represents the coordinates for each centroid rather than the columns.
a_m = assignments(k_mod) # to get the assignment of the points in the data based on the model
c_c = k_mod.centers
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
8.28896 4.71826
13.1041 2.94267
We can also plot our results for visualization.
It should be noted that the julia implementation of k-means algorithm does not have an apply(-) incorporated in it meaning that for new data the distances from centroids must be calculated manually for the cluster assignment. This is in-line with the unsupervised nature of the k-means algorithm that should not be used for inferences.
Through ACS.jl package you can also use the python implementation of k-means via scikit-learn. In this case there is no need for transposing your data. Thus you can use your data as it is (i.e. columns for variables and rows for the measurements). The algorithm outputs a python object containing the coordinates of the centroids and the assigned cluster to each point. Here is an example for our data_s.
using Pkg
using ScikitLearn
@sk_import cluster: KMeans
kmeans_ = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(data_s)
We can also plot the results as shown below. Please note that in case of python implementation you can use the function apply(-) to perform prediction using the built model.
Additional Example
If you are interested in practicing more, you can use the NIR.csv file provided in the folder dataset of the package ACS.jl github repository. You can try to use the NIR spectra and k-means to see whether there are clear clusters of samples associated with different octane number.
If you are interested in additional information about k-means and would like to know more you can check this MIT course material.